Slim Coffee On-the-Go

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Slim Coffee On-the-Go 

Grab your favorite premade flavored Slim Coffee On the Go

We make our Slim Coffee using only the highest quality ingredients. There are no hidden toxic chemicals, and no inflated claims. We deliver results. Weight loss blend: An all natural blend of ingredients to boost your metabolism, increase mental clarity, and stave off hunger pains. Antioxidant mushroom blend: An all natural mushroom blend using the highest quality of Lions Mane and Chaga. Research has shown that consistent use of these mushrooms significantly improve mental function and cognitive ability.

  • Decrease hunger

  • Increase metabolism

  • Increase energy

  • Enhance fitness

  • Improve mental function

  • Protect against aging

You can completely DRINK YOUR WEIGHT AWAY.

CAUTION: Always consult with your healthcare practitioner before taking this or any health supplement, especially if you are taking prescription medications, under a doctor’s medical care, at risk for or have any illness or health condition, or pregnant or nursing.

These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information is provided for informational purposes. Results may vary. You may not experience the same benefits from using this product.

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